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Medford, New Jersey Revolutionary War Sites
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Revolutionary War New Jersey
Adonijah Peacock Grave Site
Adonijah Peacock Grave Site
Medford New Jersey

Adonijah Peacock Grave Site, Medford, NJ
Medford NJ Historic Sites

Peacock Cemetery / Adonijah Peacock Grave Site
Chairville Rd. and Rte. 70
Map / Directions to Peacock Cemetery

Map Directions to all Medford Revolutionary War Sites

Adonijah Peacock made gunpowder for the Continental Army on his farm which was located about two miles from here on what is now Brannin Road. In January 1777, he was killed when gunpowder he was drying exploded. 

John Hunt, A Quaker Minister in Moorestown, recorded the following in his diary on January 20, 1777: [1]
(Spelling has not been modernized or corrected.)

"This day Nijah Peacock was buried, a very ingenous man in Evesham. He had, since the wars began, erected a powder mill and carryed it on to considerable perfection till one day he was at work amongst his powder and by some means it catchd fire and kild him and hurt several of his family besides. It was said that the rhoof of the house was blown off and very much shattered to pieces with the blast of the powder heard for ten miles around"

Note that this area was then known as Upper Evesham, which explains Hunt's reference to "Evesham" rather than Medford. The town did not take the name Medford until the 1820's. [2]

Revolutionary War New Jersey
Medford, New Jersey

Taunton Furnace and Forge Site
Breakneck Rd.
Map / Directions to the Taunton Furnace and Forge Site

Map Directions to all Medford Revolutionary War Sites

A historic marker on Breakneck Rd near Taunton Lakes marks the area which was once the Taunton Furnace and Forge. It produced cannon balls for the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

Taunton furnace and forge were created in 1766-1767 by Charles Read. Read had a very successful iron business, which also included the Batsto Iron Works, located about 25 miles from here. Batsto Iron Works also produced supplies for the Continental Army. It is now the New Jersey State Park, Batso Village. [3]

Revolutionary War New Jersey

Source Notes:

1. ^ John Hunt's diary entry for January 20, 1777, quoted in:
Clyde W. LeVan - July 1972 / Revised by the Medford Historical Society - October 1983, A Brief Sketch of Medford History (Medford Historical Society, 1972 / 1983) Page 4

• Adonijah Peacock is listed in the Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Research System, where he is Ancestor #A086853

2. ^ Clyde W. LeVan - July 1972 / Revised by the Medford Historical Society - October 1983, A Brief Sketch of Medford History (Medford Historical Society, 1972 / 1983) Page 5

3. ^ For more about Charles Read and Batsto Village, see the Wharton State Forest page of this website.