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Maurice River, New Jersey Revolutionary War Sites
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Revolutionary War New Jersey
Maurice River NJ Revolutionary War Sites
West Creek Baptist Cemetery

West Creek Baptist Cemetery
New Stage Rd. (Rt. 347) near Mosslander Rd.
Map / Directions to the West Creek Baptist Cemetery
Map / Directions to all Maurice River Revolutionary War Sites

This cemetery sits in a field off the side of Rt. 347, behind the highway rail. There is only a small sign, and it is very easy to drive past the cemetery without noticing it.

Among the graves in the cemetery is that of James Riggins who served in the Cumberland County Militia during the Revolutionary War. He fought in several important New Jersey battles at Trenton, Princeton, and Red Bank. He was captured by the British in April 1781 and held prisoner until January 24, 1782.

Although his gravestone refers to him as a captain, Riggins served as a private in the militia during the war. He may have acquired the title of Captain at some point in the fifty-three years he lived after the war ended. It is possible that he was a ship's captain.

Some accounts of the August 1781 Skirmish on the Lower Maurice River state that Riggins took part in it. However, these accounts, which were published decades after the event, appear to be in error, because the battle occurred during the time when Riggins was being held prisoner. [1]

Revolutionary War New Jersey
Maurice River NJ Revolutionary War Sites
Maurice River, New Jersey

Maurice River Friends Quaker Burial Ground
NJ-47 N and Doughty Ln.
Map / Directions to the Maurice River Quaker Burial Ground
Map / Directions to all Maurice River Revolutionary War Sites

This Quaker Burial Ground contains the grave of Henry Reeves (June 27, 1749 - November 23, 1840), whose grave is marked by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Reeves was not a soldier, but he is considered a Revolutionary War Patriot by the Daughters of the American Revolution because he signed an oath of allegiance during the Revolutionary War. [2] By signing the oath, Reeves was affirming that he did not hold himself "bound to bear Allegiance to the King of Great Britain" and would "bear true Faith and Allegiance to the Government established in this State, under the Authority of the People." [3]

Revolutionary War New Jersey

Source Notes:

1. ^ For a discussion of Riggins' service and the Battle of Port Norris, see the YouTube video "Revolutionary War Skirmish on the Lower Maurice River Public Meeting June 25, 2015." The section of the video dealing specifically wih Riggins takes place 18:45 - 21:50.

2. ^   Henry Reeves is DAR Ancestor #A133821 in the DAR Genealogical Research System. His listing states that his Patriotic Service was signing the Oath of Allegiance.

3. ^ For more information about the Oath of Allegiance (or Loyalty Oath), including the full text, see:
Larry R. Gerlach, Editor, New Jersey in the American Revolution, 1763-1783: A Documentary History (Trenton: New Jersey Historical Commission, 1975) pages 363-364
These pages are available to be read as a PDF at the New Jersey State Library website here