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Closter, New Jersey Revolutionary War Sites
This website, its text and photographs are © 2009 - 2025 AL Frazza. All rights reserved.


Revolutionary War New Jersey
Revolutionary War - Closter NJ
Revolutionary War - Closter NJ

Nagel (Naugle) House
75 Harvard St.
Map / Directions to the Nagel House
Map / Directions to all Closter Revolutionary War Sites

This house is a private residence.
Please respect the privacy and property of the owners.

This house, built circa 1745, was owned by David Naugle, who served in the Bergen County militia during the Revolutionary War. [1] He is buried in the Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery (see entry lower on this page).

Revolutionary War New Jersey
Revolutionary War - Closter NJ

Resolvert Nagel House
119 Hickory Ln.
Map / Directions to the Resolvert Nagel House
Map / Directions to all Closter Revolutionary War Sites

This house is a private residence.
Please respect the privacy and property of the owners.

Several of the men living at this house served in the Bergen County Militia during the Revolutionary War. [2]

Revolutionary War New Jersey
Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery
Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery

Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery
Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery

Nagel-Auryansen Cemetery
44 Susan Dr.
Map / Directions to the Nagel Auryansen Cemetery
Map / Directions to all Closter Revolutionary War Sites

There are five Revolutionary War soldiers buried here: [3]

Garret Auryansen
February 8, 1749 - January 29, 1830
Private - Bergen County NJ State Militia

Resolvert Auryansen
January 4, 1747 - October 27, 1838
Private - Bergen County NJ State Militia

Joseph Demarest
Private - NJ State Militia

Barent Naugle
April 26, 1755 - October 14, 1834
Private - Bergen County NJ State Militia

David Naugle
July 2, 1750 - May 29, 1831
Private - Bergen County NJ State Militia

Revolutionary War New Jersey

Source Notes:

1. ^ Bergen County Historical Society historic marker

2. ^ The Closter NJ Historic Preservation Commission's Nomination Report for the Resolvert Nagel House and Farm Complex states on Page 1, "During the American Revolution all four male family members associated with this household served in the Bergen County Militia under George Washington. Their association with the American Revolution has been documented in pension records obtained through the National Archives."
This document is available online as a PDF here.

3. ^ The dates are taken from the gravestones of these five men. The information about their military ranks is taken from modern plaques that were installed in front of their graves. According to the Closter NJ Historic Preservation Commission's website, "In 1961 Ralph Heaton of the American Legion obtained official granite plaques from the Veterans Administration and placed them at the foot of five Revolutionary soldiers' graves." In the case of Joseph Demarest, the dates themselves were taken from his modern plaque, because the dates were no longer readable on his obelisk style grave marker.

It should be noted that for all four of the other graves, the 1961 plaques have dates that contradict the original gravestones. The dates on the original gravestones are used in the main entry above, on the assumption that the original stones might be more accurate.
For those who might be interested, here are the dates given on the 1961 plaques:
Garret Auryansen: February 8, 1749 - January 29, 1831
Resolvert Auryansen: Jan 4, 1744 - October 27, 1835
Barent Naugle: April 26, 1755 - October 17, 1836
David Naugle: Died June 2, 1831